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It is with great care and precision that a person receives the knowledge to do things and when it is associated with their livelihood, they tend to be extra vigilant. Similarly when it is their livelihood, people tend to learn everything they can about the subject. In that case, you might argue that someone with a penchant for finance and mathematics would rule the forex market, but that is not necessarily the case. Someone with a fine understanding of international relations will realise how nations are responding to one another's statements and how it affects their respective economies, and on that basis can make an estimate on how the forex market will perform. A lot can be said about how the forex market treats first timers and how more often than not, only the most intelligent and lucky ones will walk away with more than they started with. But experience plays a big part.

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Now let me show you why many people lose money so swiftly in forex and they come out saying forex trading is a scam.

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Just make sure you’re reading the terms and conditions carefully so you don’t get stung by the new bank in other ways.

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