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Someone with a fine understanding of international relations will realise how nations are responding to one another's statements and how it affects their respective economies, and on that basis can make an estimate on how the forex market will perform. A lot can be said about how the forex market treats first timers and how more often than not, only the most intelligent and lucky ones will walk away with more than they started with. But experience plays a big part. One must realise that like any other market, a relatively newly developed system such as forex will take its own time to adapt to the people's requirement. Right now, it entirely depends on how good a trader is and how experienced he is in these matters. As and when he faces new challenges, his experience grows and sooner or later he starts finding patterns and sticks by them in order to reap profits. Greed can also be the root cause of all failures in the forex market. Your greed can make you lose much more than you would under normal circumstances. This has primarily got to do with the way in which you respond to your first winning trades. If your greed takes over, it is quite certain that you will invest the full amount of winnings back into the market in the hope of earning bigger and better returns. It's important to note that not everyone can earn supernormal profits in this market.

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This second edition is fully revised to address:The foreign exchange market works through financial institutions, and operates on several levels.

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Traders in fact hardly realize they are implementing MTF because it is engrained in the strategy.

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Back testing is done using Forex technical analysis techniques in order to find price patterns and parameters which will allow traders to anticipate future price moves.