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The value of the base currency is always 1. It is probably easiest to remember this by looking at a currency pair and saying “1 unit of the base currency buys how many units of the counter currency?”. Many currency pairs are expressed in terms of dollars, with $1 USD acting as the base currency “how much of a currency does $US 1 buy?”. For example, a quote of USD/JPY 109. 48 means that one U. S. Treasury bonds. Not only that, with leverage, returns are greatly increased. We have already discussed some of the important factors size, volatility, structure among other things about the Forex market, that contributed to its successful and growing state. In terms of liquidity, the Forex market is highly liquid in nature where in a trader could invest huge amounts of money without affecting any given exchange rate. This is made possible by the low margin being required by most Forex brokers.

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