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Once Zulutrade has that set up, the computer takes care of everything else. No human intervention is required once Zulutrade passes the trading decisions to online servers. No matter what time it is or what condition your mind set is. It does not even matter if your computer is on. Your trades will be placed as long as the computer deems it as the right time to trade. If you already have a forex broker, you can still use the services of Zulutrade by faxing an LOD to your broker.

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A Forex broker will present you with information about an investment, and then allow you time to make up your own mind if you are interested in the investment or not.

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You will be looking at anywhere from 15 25 pips stop loss meaning your risk to reward ratio will be 1:2 or 3 at the most.

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Emotions is what kills your profit.

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This is due to the fact that forex trading is global.