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Feeling too confident about your trades can result in big losses. How can you be profitable in Forex trading?Staying up to date with the latest news releases is definitely one way. A lot of market moves happen due to either news and announcements or due to the expectations of news and announcements. This is referred to as fundamental trading. What you have to be sure about is that even if you are a technical trader, you should still be paying sufficient attention to fundamental events as such events are a key driver of market moves. In other words, if you have a reliable trading strategy and all of the technical indicators point for a long trade, do check the Forex calendar and see if your trade is in line with the current news. Even if your technical setup works like a clock, fundamental news can be a game changer. You may also refer to our fundamental section to find out more. There is no golden rule here. Many people are looking for a direct answer to the question of how to gain profit in Forex. and most of them end up using Forex signal providers.

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Once you practiced enough, you can go ahead and start trading mini Forex.

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You should not invest more than you can afford to lose and should ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.

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Trying to locate profitable forex signals providers is difficult via web searches, but not impossible.