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You need to predict what is going to happen in order to make money in forexSince geopolitics has a big influence on the forex market, the traders who make money are the ones who are quick to react to the things happening around the world, rather than the ones making predictions. Trading predictions can sometimes be made. This may be possible by analyzing the charts and recognizing certain patterns that have occurred in the past and assuming they might occur again. But for the most part, it is rather the quickness of reaction that makes a trader money instead of novice predictions which may or may not come true. A good trader is always alert, reads and interprets the news and is always willing to learn and evolve. Advertising4.

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One must realise that like any other market, a relatively newly developed system such as forex will take its own time to adapt to the people's requirement.

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1 method to address the currency risk will be to participate in a forward transaction.

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Lower leverage needs more funds in the broker's custody for the same operations.