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Step 3 Get out when Everyone wants In!The reason why so many traders fail to make profit in the penny stock market is because they are tempted to hold positions which are showing them a true profit. Any experienced trader will agree that any profit is a good profit. Learn how to take a gain and understand why Profit is so good. Small profits will add up and allow your portfolio to grow, so do not get greedy. Most of the time, you should be looking to sell when Everyone is trying to buy. By the time that this stock has been brought to the general public, it is already too late to get in. The money flow which we talked about earlier has already been in at the bottom, and now these smart traders are ready to take profit. This means that it is time to sell. Do your best to suppress your greed and not get caught in at the top. Know that it is ok to make 100 dollars a day trading. Because, many traders never make a gain in the market.

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Learning forex is essential for its understanding.

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Unlike stocks forex is traded as a currency pair such as EUR and USD.

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Although some countries like the United States have reduced the leverage legally available to retail forex traders, any sensible trader needs to remain cognizant of the magnified risks they are taking by using leverage when trading forex.