xe currency exchange rates

The so called “major pairs” are currency pairs involving these currencies. When you trade Forex, you basically sell one currency for the other, but they are considered as one unit. The base currency is the one on the left i. e. EUR/USD, the non base currency is the one on the right. Usually the pair is quoted as above: EUR/USD – 1. 17800 indicative price means that every euro you buy, you sell 1. 17800 dollars. Inversely USD/EUR would be quoted as 0. 8488 just divide 1 by 1,17800 to figure out the inverse meaning you sell 1 dollar and buy 0. 8488 euro cents.

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All you would require is your computer and a cyberspace access.

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Disclaimer: The average trading volumes presented on this page are the result of out efforts to gather and compile information from different internet sources.

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You might have also noticed the quote price has four places to the right of the decimal.

>foreign currencies

Eventually, this is just a natural means of predicting the market of trading and helps you in forex profit anyway.