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Buying WoW Gold is a great and direct way to increase our performance when playing World of Warcraft, because world of warcraft gold cannot be found everywhere in the game and to farm wow gold is a very hard and boring job. If you are tired of farming gold, I think buying cheap wow gold online will be your best choice. However, many players said their accounts got banned because of buying wow gold from some sites, the most important question is where you can get the safest wow gold. If you make the decision to buy wow gold online, you just need to search online and you will find hundreds of wow gold selling websites. However, do you know which site is worth trusting. As we all know, there are many rip off sites which just cheat your money and will not deliver wow gold for you. At this time, we should be careful to check whether this site is trustable or not. When I buy wow gold, I would like to see whether this site has a good reputation. From my experience, although some famous sites have good reputation, they will be so busy dealing with hundred of orders, so you have to queue until they deliver for so many orders before you. So I would like to choose some smaller sites which also have good reputation, however, they can send the wow gold for you just in a few mins. There are also some sites which may promise they have a large stock in your server, however, they have to wait a long time to send you the wow gold, sometimes may be one week.

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